The five stages of team development guide a team in understanding its current position and how to navigate through each phase. When individuals are assigned to a project, they are typically referred to as a team. However, even if they have prior team experience, they may not necessarily function as an effective team. In contrast, if they are familiar with ...

The 5 Stages of Team Development

Structure plays a crucial role in both persuasive and clear communication. While it might not always seem important, it is similar to the process of building a structure.If you've ever watched a building go up, you understand the importance of structure. Laying the foundation takes time, but it’s essential for the building's stability. A crack in the foundation can lead ...

Clear Communication relies on proper Structure

By utilizing effective communication strategies, you can communicate like an expert rather than a beginner. These techniques are versatile and can be applied in any situation where you need to persuade others. Whether it's for presentations, emails, letters, speeches, or any other context, they help you present your ideas convincingly. Here are three of the 14 communication strategies from our ...

Effective Communication Recipes Everyone Can Use

What do you think is the most common mistake people make when setting goals? Could it be a goal that lacks specificity or doesn’t have a clear metric? Or perhaps it’s when a goal focuses too much on actions rather than a defined end result?While those are certainly issues, they’re not the biggest mistake in goal setting. The same goes ...

BIGGEST Error in Goal Setting – Planning Too!

The Freedom V is an effective concept and tool as it illustrates the connection between self-governance and freedom. The V graphic speaks for itself, and the table to the right in the image below offers additional details. The key components are the V shape and the arrow in the center.Freedom V GraphicFirst, the V shape. The lines on the right and ...

Self-Governance and Freedom V Foster High-performance

Goals are often easy to discuss but challenging to create. To help you achieve more, I hope the following goal-setting process will be useful. This approach is designed for individuals but can be easily adapted for organizations. For those needing a comprehensive planning system for organizations, we offer the GR8 Results System. It gives you a step-by-step guide that begins with ...

The Results From Proper Goal-Setting Processes

"I don’t own a business, nor do I work in marketing or sales, so why should I care about the 4 levels of customer expectations?"  That’s a great question, and it can be answered with another question."Does anyone see, use, review, or take notice of your work?" If your answer is "No," then you likely have a job many people ...

4 Levels of Customer Expectations

A powerful ingredient to boosting productivity and getting the job done is available to everyone! Wouldn't you love to increase your chances of accomplishing more, foster personal growth, and accelerate your career? Absolutely! And what if it didn't require any extra self-discipline than you already have—sounds too good to be true, right? (Cue the infomercial!)A Highly Practical IngredientA natural secret to ...

A Secret Ingredient to Getting The Job Done

To be an effective leader, it's essential to embody these 6 key leadership values. Strong leadership can only be achieved with strong values. Sadly, these values are often underestimated, but they are what truly distinguish a GOOD leader from a BAD one.As a leader, when you align your leadership with the six essential values, you’re not only doing what’s best ...

Six Critical Leadership Values for GREAT Leaders

Everyone makes mistakes, we hear this all the time, right?  Some mistakes are bigger or more meaningful than others, but when the following most common leadership mistakes are made, they are more fatal and could have easily been avoided.Lets dive deep into the top 10 most common leadership mistakes, as these can prove a pivotal point in leadership as far ...

10 Most Common Leadership Mistakes