Leadership Resources

You get resources that are proven, practical, and powerful. The GR8 Results System includes a unique combination of strategic planning and comprehensive leadership development material from our GR8 Leaders program. 

Study Guides and Books

GR8 Leaders Study Guide

This covers all courses, arranged in 12 chapters. It is a full-color 8 1/2 by 11-inch coil-bound 307-page paperback book that tracks directly with the CATALYST System online videos. You will need the Study Guide and the videos to get the most from the program.

Servants Leading Servants - 15 Signs of a REAL Servant Leader

If you want to know the key values, principles, and tools that orient your life to be a leader like Jesus Christ, you have the right book. With this material you can grow life skills to further experience the abundant life you have been given (2 Peter 1:3).

Servants Leading Servants - Facilitator Guide

The book is letter size paper (8.5 x 11) containing 50% more material than the 6×9 book. It also includes questions at the end of each chapter for the facilitator to answer to ensure they know the material and can answer questions from the group they are facilitating. 

Free Forms and Tools

Coming soon!

2 Question Satisfaction Surveys - Customers and Employees

3 Consequences for Not Delegating

4 Questions to Get Better Results

5 Questions for Your Direct Reports

6 Steps to Excellence in Almost Anything

8 Steps for Personal Transformation

14 Business Assessment Questions

16 Principles for GR8 Leaders

33 Questions Leaders Need to Answer

90-Day Transformational Model

Ability and Desire Matrix

Accountability Partners

After Action Review Questions - Detailed Version

Conflict Cycle

Conflict RESOLVED Essentials

Conflict RESOLVED Blueprint and Worksheet

Creating a Compelling Business Case

Creative Process Flow Chart

Daily Focus Form

Daily Self-reflection Routine Questions

Daily Time Tracking Form

Delegation Planning Form

Delegation Skills Assessment

Delegation Task Worksheet

Digital Business Analysis

Improving By Using Apologies

Recurring Meeting Agenda Form and Directions

GR8 Leaders Courses

2.00 - Leadership QUICKStart

Leadership QUICKStart

Get an overview of all of the CATALYST System courses. Learn about one tool that helps you apply the principles, insights, and tools. Finally, get the foundational elements of leadership with Leadership QUICKStart.


All 13 Courses are designed to enhance your career and organization’s culture. Get new insights, tools, and principles to improve your results, execution, teamwork, innovation, communication, and, most importantly, character

Value Right Results
AND People

All organizations need to reach their goals. But, if a leader focuses only on getting results, the culture and organization will suffer. Why? You miss the crucial role that people play in getting results. Additionally, it demonstrates your values.

Motivate Right Results
with Purpose

Purpose is essential, so a GR8 Leader starts with Strategic Thinking. The COMPASS tool provides a step-by-step process for creating Purpose, Core Values, Brand Promise, and Leader Behaviors. Then create a strategy and goals that work for you.

Communicate Clearly
for GR8 Results

Communication is an essential capacity for leaders. Your example is a critical communication method, but if you do not know how to communicate clearly, persuasively, and powerfully, you will find it much more difficult to influence others.

Coaching Excellence
from Your Team

Coaching is seldom seen as a critical function of leadership. Without coaching, you will not help the team learn the vocabulary and meanings that are needed to establish and maintain the culture.

Share Truth for Excellent Performance

Unfortunately, most leaders don’t share truth when dealing with an individual’s performance. When you share truth, you build on a solid foundation that helps improve individual and organizational performance as well as the culture.

Engage Excellence with Freedom and Self-governance

How can a leader that controls less can actually get more done? What if you create a broad area of freedom that has distinct boundaries, provide clear expectations, and clear consequences, then let them use their strengths to achieve the goals?

Develop Effective Teamwork and Enrich Work

When you develop effective teamwork, you get more done. People working together has a multiplier effect on work. Leaders help individuals work together better with complementary relationships, reducing conflict, and real collaboration.

Conflict Resolution Skills
Help Teamwork

Fear of conflict is driven by bad thinking. Adopting a better view of conflict strengthens relationships, reduces stress, improves morale, saves time and energy, and enhances performance. Conflict becomes a benefit, not an obstacle.

Facilitate Teamwork and Problem Solving

Once you learn and experience how much facilitating encourages people to share and provide their thoughts, you will facilitate more. Leaders who do not facilitate teamwork use the “command and control” model of leadership. 

Catalytic Leaders Change Themselves First

Catalytic leaders know the only person they can change is themselves! They operate with great values, speed up change, and do not become part of the problem. They know the mistakes that will trip them and the fatal flaws that wreck their leadership.

Help People
Adopt Change

Catalytic leaders speed up change and help people adopt change. When you learn how to help people process a change, you do them and the organization a big favor. If you help people adopt change, you also help them overcome the fear of failure. 

Finish Strong, Persevere
with Change

When you see the end of the project approaching, it is easy to coast. Bad thinking, finish strong. That helps you improve the chances for long-term success of the change effort, but it takes effort to persevere to the end. 

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